
An all-in-one solution to help you organize and manage all your job applications.


Lead Product Designer
User Research, Wireframing, Prototyping, Testing


4 Designers


Phase 1:
Oct 2021 - Nov 2021
Phase 2:
Jan 2022 - Feb 2022


Google Suite


It takes 8 weeks on average for people to get a job on average in the current job market (2021). However, there are too many things that need to be tracked even after applying for jobs. The whole application process is often very complex and time-consuming.

Key Features

Track All Job Applications
Gives Real-time Updates

Detailed section for each opportunity you applied

Set up Interview Reminders

Analyze your applications and bring you report and tips

User Research

Understand the Job-seekers

We started to explore the problem by defining our target users and conducting five 30-minute interviews with them about the concept of our product.
Target Audience:
People actively seeking their jobs/internships, aged between 18-70 years old, who care about and want to manage all their job applications at the same place.

Competitive Analysis

The Top 4 Common Ways for Tracking


Meet the Target Users

With the information from these conversations, we created two personas to list out the user's frustrations and goals.

Major Demands

Ideating the Solution

Phase 1 MVP


We created phase 1 MVP for Jolder after a few rounds of ideation...


Usability Testing

Revising the Product

Jolder was quickly prototyped at that point because we spent a long time doing user research, and we need to complete the high-fidelity wireframes in a very limited time. Since the best product comes after constant iteration, I spent 2 weeks conducting usability tests with 5 different people. I received plenty of constructive feedback, so I decided to revise the product on my own. Here are three major insights I gained from these talks about improving the features :

Final Design

Tracking all job applications & Giving real-time updates

Automatically track all the jobs you applied for
Receive notifications if there are any updates
Manual update is also available

Accessing your reports

Get weekly reports for all the job application
Learn how to make improvements

Detailed section for each opportunity you apply

Your application timeline at a glance
Learn more about the company

Setting up Reminders

Never forget your important dates!


What I've Learned...

1. Good visuals are essential for good designs

We learned about the importance of visuals in this project since it takes people a shorter time to understand the images than the words. It is also important to choose the appropriate images that echo with the core values of our design.

2. The importance of low-fidelity wireframes

During this project, I feel it is really hard for me to design the wireframes at first since I want to save time. I actually straightly started to design high-fidelity wireframes. As I noticed that I should start from low-fidelity ones to high-fidelity ones, I felt my tasks were getting simplified in this way, and I spent less time designing. I learned about the importance of low-fidelity wireframes since it is a great way to keep me focused on the main features.


What I Still Want to Do...

1. Chrome Extensions

2. Think of the app from the recruiters' perspective